Selected publications are listed. Click here to view a full list of publications.
Released 12/09/2024
- Shota Kasai, Sinyoung Lee, Yoshiyuki Noda, “Development of measurement system of chiseling motion using sensor fusion technology”, Measurement: Sensors, 101340 (2024) (peer reviewed) https;//
- Sinyoung Lee, Hyeonsik You, Yoji Morita, Sho Kanzaki, Fei Zhao and Takuji Koike, “Classification of ossicular fixation based on a computational simulation of ossicular mobility”, Scientific Reports, Vol. 14, 20468 (2024)(peer reviewed)
- Sinyoung Lee, Masaomi Motegi and Takuji Koike, “Effectiveness of active middle ear implant placement methods in pathological conditions: basilar membrane vibration simulation”, Frontiers in Neurology, Vol. 15, 1417711 (2024)(peer reviewed)
- Sho Kanzaki, Takuji Koike, Yuka Irie, Sinyoung Lee, Chee Sze Keat, Takenobu Higo, Masaaki Hayashi, Hajime Ikegami, 「耳科手術のDX ―耳小骨可動性値の術中計測デバイスと手術データベースを用いた客観的・定量可能な聴力改善手術の開発―」,Journal of Japan Society for Head and Neck Surgery, Vol. 34, No. 1 (2024), pp. 1-4 (peer reviewed)
- Sinyoung Lee and Takuji Koike, “Numerical Analysis of Nonlinearity of Outer Hair Cells Based on Comparison with Measurements of DPOAEs”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 3062, 030009 (2024)(peer reviewed)
- Takuji Koike and Sinyoung Lee, “Relationship between DPOAE and pure tone hearing levels: Numerical analysis with human cochlear finite element model”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 3062, 040003 (2024)(peer reviewed)
- Shin-ichiro Kita, Toru Miwa, Rie Kanai, Yoji Morita, Sinyoung Lee, Takuji Koike, Shin-ichi Kanemaru, “Diagnosing Middle Ear Malformation by Pure-Tone Audiometry Using a Three-Dimensional Finite Element Model: A Case-Control Study”, Journal of Clinical Medicine, Vol. 12, No. 23, pp. 1-11 (2023)
- Bei Li, Sinyoung Lee (Co-first), Zuwei Cao, Takuji Koike, Robin Joseph, Tamsin Holland Brown and Fei Zhao, “A Systematic Review of the Audiological Efficacy of Cartilage Conduction Hearing Aids and the Factors Influencing Their Clinical Application”, Audiology Research, Vol. 13, No. 4, pp. 636-650 (2023)
- Sinyoung Lee(Invited),Computational Modeling of Human Auditory Periphery for Overcoming Intractable Ear Disease,Journal of the Japanese Society for Experimental Mechanics, Vol. 22, No. 3 (2022), pp. 209-210
- Jie Wang, Xingmei Wei, Ying Zhang, Takuji Koike, Sinyoung Lee, Yongxin Li, and Fei Zhao, “Exploring Mechanisms Underlying Unexplained Air-Bone Gaps Post-Myringoplasty: Temporal Bone Model and Finite Element Analysis”, Ear, Nose & Throat Journal, Online first (2022)
- Sinyoung Lee, Takuji Koike, “Numerical analysis of changes in vibration of the basilar membrane caused by the increase of endolymphatic pressure”, Otology Japan, Vol. 32, No. 2 (2022), pp. 201-208
- Sinyoung Lee, Takuji Koike,“Numerical analysis of the change in hearing level and DPOAE level caused by partial functional loss of the outer hair cells“, Audiology Japan, Vol. 64, No. 2 (2021), pp. 170-177
- Sinyoung Lee, Sho Kanzaki, Takuji Koike, “Study of Diagnostic Criteria for Ossicular Fixation Based on Numerical Analysis”, Otology Japan, Vol. 29, No. 2 (2019), pp. 154-161 (The Most Excellent Paper Award) - Sinyoung Lee, Takuji Koike, “Simulation of Mechano-Electrical Transduction in the Cochlea Considering Basilar Membrane Vibration and the Ionic Current of the Inner Hair Cells”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1965, 03005 (2018)(peer reviewed)
- Takuji Koike and Sinyoung Lee, “Relationship between the Levels of DP Components and Non-Active Portions of the Basilar Membrane: Simulation using Human Cochlear Finite-Element Model”, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1965, 17001 (2018)(peer reviewed)
- Takuji Koike and Sinyoung Lee, “Visualization of Cochlear Vibration by Computer Simulation: Analysis of Distortion Product Optoacoustic Emissions Generated on the Basilar Membrane”, Audiology Japan, Vol. 61, No. 6 (2018), pp.525-530
- Sinyoung Lee, Takuji Koike, “Simulation of the Basilar Membrane Vibration of Endolymphatic hydrops”, Procedia IUTAM, Vol. 24 (2017), pp. 64-71(peer reviewed)
- Rina Matsuoka, Sinyoung Lee, Miho Sato, Remi Hibiya, Yota Shimanuki, Misato Kasai, Kazusaku Kamiya, Atsuo Itakura, Takuji Koike, Katsuhisa Ikeda, “Piezoelectric Vibrator-Stimulated Potential and Heart Rate Accelerations Detected from the Fetus”, International Journal of Pediatric Otorhinolaryngology, Vol. 101 (2017), pp. 204-210
International Conferences (04/2023~)
- Shota Kasai, Sinyoung Lee, Yoshiyuki Noda, “DEVELOPMENT OF MEASUREMENT SYSTEM OF CHISELING MOTION USING SENSOR FUSION TECHNOLOGY”, XXIV IMEKO World Congress “Think Metrology”, Germany, August 2024
- Sinyoung Lee, Yuta Hara, Takuji Koike, “Contralateral Suppression of Input/Output Function of Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions in Young Adults”, Acoustical Society of America 185th Meeting, Sydney, Australia, December 2023
- Takuji Koike, Yuta Hara, Sinyoung Lee, “Measurement of Distortion-Product Otoacoustic Emissions at Low Frequency and Effect of Contralateral Acoustic Stimulation on Its Level”, Acoustical Society of America 185th Meeting, Sydney, Australia, December 2023
- Shota Kasai, Sinyoung Lee, Yoshiyuki Noda, “Estimation of displacement and velocity in Chiseling Motion”, Society of Instrument and Control Engineers (SICE) Annual Conference 2023, Mie, Japan, September 2023
- Sinyoung Lee, “Diagnostic support of ossicular mobility based on machine learning of numerical analysis results”, The 4th World Congress on Endoscopic Ear Surgery, Kyoto, Japan, December 2022
- Sinyoung Lee, Takuji Koike, “Numerical Analysis of Nonlinearity of Outer Hair Cells Based on Comparison with Measurements of DPOAEs”, Mechanics of Hearing 2022, Helsingor, Denmark, July 2022
- Takuji Koike, Sinyoung Lee, “Relationship between DPOAE and pure tone hearing levels: Numerical analysis with human cochlear finite element model”, Mechanics of Hearing 2022, Helsingor, Denmark, July 2022
- Sinyoung Lee, Yoji Morita, Sho Kanzaki, Takuji Koike, “Diagnostic support in tympanoplasty based on machine learning of numerical analysis results”, The 9th International Symposium on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology, Colorado, USA, June 2022
- Hyeonsik You, Sinyoung Lee, Yuuka Irie, Yuki Shimizu, Sho Kanzaki, Chee Sze Keat, Takenobu Higo, Kenji Ohoyama, Masaaki Hayashi, Hajime Ikegami, Takuji Koike, “Estimation of Location and Degree of Ossicular Fixation by Compliance Measurement”, The 9th International Symposium on Middle Ear Mechanics in Research and Otology, Colorado, USA, June 2022
Invited Lecture
- Sinyoung Lee and Takuji Koike, “Simulation of Mechano-Electrical Transduction and Frequency Selectivity in the Human Cochlea”, The Auditory Research Meeting Sponsored by the Technical Committee of Psychological and Physiological Acoustics, Tokyo, Japan, June 2018
Doctoral thesis
Computational modeling of the human auditory periphery and its application to diagnosis of ear diseases (2020)
Master thesis
Analysis of the mechanism of dysfunction of the inner ear by using cochlear finite-element models (2017)
Bachelor thesis
Study of fetal hearing screening system based on change of heart rate and auditory evoked response (2015)